My partner has had repeated episodes of kidney stones (both kidneys) and his last lithotripsy in 2015 landed him in intensive care for four days. His age is 64 and his GFR was last measured at 40 in September. His health other than kidney issues up to now has been good. What generally is the near term prognosis in these cases and what generally are the guidelines for stone formers and transplantation? We’ve had difficulty getting information as we purchase our own insurance and have been forced to change policies, networks and doctors three times in three years as companies exit the individual market in NYS.

Transplantation is not done for kidney stone formers, unless permanent kidney failure becomes a complication of the chronic kidney stone disease.  I am a nephrologist and not a surgeon.  I do not perform lithotripsy.  This is a urological problem and should be addressed to his urologist.  In this situation, it may be necessary for your partner to have a stone evaluation and determine why he is having stones.  This will lead to a more specific diagnosis as to why he is a stone former.  Your partners should see a urologist or a nephrologist who is interested in kidney stone disease.


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